Feste medievali di Brisighella, Medieval festival of Brisighella Italy

Annualmente a Brisighella Italy si svolgono le feste medioevali, due weekend estivi tra giugno e luglio in cui nel borgo romagnolo si rivivono momenti e sensazioni di molti secoli fa. Brisighella ferma il suo tempo. Si incontrano cavalieri, mercanti, pellegrini che ripopolano la città come nel passato. La ricostruzione storica è dettagliata tra realtà ed illusione. Mostre d'arte e artigianato locale si fondono con gli spettacoli di piazza, con il sottofondo dei suoni e delle musiche popolari di quei tempi.

Every year in Brisighella Italy there is the medieval festival, two summer weekends between June and July in the village where you live moments and feelings of many centuries ago. Brisighella Italy stop its time. Meet knights, merchants, pilgrims who repopulated the city as in the past. The historical reconstruction is detailed between reality and illusion. Exhibitions of local art and craft merge with the entertainment square, with the background sounds and popular music of those times. The Europe of the fourteenth century was crossed by a dense network of streets and roads used by pilgrims, monks, merchants and knights on the march to the places of faith. Testimony of a medieval dynamic and rich in cultural exchanges, which is founded on the ideas and the wealth of contemporary Europe. The Romagna region was crossed by a major pilgrimage route: the so-called Via Romandiola, where, since the Middle Ages, we collected the flow of pilgrims at a time of the Via Francigena, to the west, and the Via Romea, to the east, through which were connected to the cities of Santiago de Compostela, Canterbury and Rome.
Every year in Brisighella Italy, Medieval festival retrace the roads that were first of the pilgrims and knights and merchants, through meetings, conferences, music and dance, exhibitions, markets, street theater and great performances. European cities are located along these major routes from the Middle Ages will also participate through their original split of tradition, folklore and gastronomy. For the 30th year of Brisighella Italy Medieval festival will provide a memorable year full of events and shows with a European, to celebrate this important anniversary, a testimony a celebration that has marked the history of the festival and the commemoration of events and entertainment.

Cosa visitare a Brisighella, la Rocca dei Veneziani - visit Brisighella Italy (Venetians fortress)

La rocca dei Veneziani di Brisighella Italy è raggiungibile a piedi tramite un 'impervia salita che parte da via degli Asini; è oppure raggiungibile con l'auto dall' esterno. Il percorso consigliato è quello a piedi, che sale attraverso un camminamento di selenite.
La rocca fu costruita inizialmente per volere di Francesco Manfredi signore di Faenza nel 1310, e nel corso degli anni è stata rimodellata. Il suo nome deriva dalla conquista fatta dalla Repubblica di Venezia nel 1503, proprio in quell'anno la rocca viene ampliata e modificata, si aggiungono parti alla forma originale del "torricino". Successimante la rocca è passata nelle mani della chiesa fino a quando il territorio non viene ammesso all' Italia nel 1860.
Oggi è stata riaperta a al pubblico e puo' essere visitata tutti i giorni, da li' inoltre potrete godere della splendida veduta della valle dell' Amone e della città di Brisighella Italy.

The fortress is located on a cliff of selenium rock overlooking Brisighella Italy, is still an excellent observation point over the whole valley and the village below. Is accessed through a short way that along the high walls leading to the entrance door facing a small garden overlooking the village, from which you can clearly see front of the clock tower, another symbol of Brisighella Italy built on one of the three hills that overlook the borough. Passed the narrow entrance there is a crossing room from which you can access to the vast courtyard, or entering into an additional door on the right you can visit the "Torricino (small tower)".
On the ground floor there'is the access to the prisons and to the well (both are not visited), then it follows a narrow spiral staircase on which overlook small rooms with no windows used as a dormitory for a military garrison of the fortress. At the height of the staircase there'is a large circular room used as a place to watch.
The Torricino tower is the oldest part of the castle built in the early 1300 by Manfredi, and was the only existing tower in that period. From this point you can access the walkway patrol newly equipped and placed in safety, with the opportunity to travel and then the entire perimeter of the walls, or through an internal bridge You can reach the Venetians Tower, called it because was built in the sixteenth century during the domination of the Republic of Venice.

Also this tower is characterized by a long spiral staircase, more narrow of the previous one, which overlook small dark rooms. The tower is divided into six rooms above the first two of which used a water collection and the torture room, the next three to residential use of the castle, and at last observation point from which we can control the entire area surrounding the castle and, small window through the floor, including areas adjacent to the walls.

Down into the courtyard, once used during the invasion to collect the entire population, the visit ends with access to burrows groundwater once intended for the storage of food and weapons.

The first fort was built in Brisighella Italy in 1310 by the will of Francesco Manfredi Sir of Faenza. Conquered by the State of the Church who held power from 1368 in 1376, back then under the control of Manfredi almost uninterruptedly for the entire course of the centuries XIV and XV. In this long period he was subject for extensions and upgrades by Galeazzo Manfredi in 1394 and Astorgio II in 1457 and 1466.
Conquered by Cesare Borgia (the Valentine) in 1500 to its fall, which occurred in 1503, was conquered by the Venetians. At the fortress, the tower had only child (called the Torricino) is under the dominion of the Venetian Republic that it is further expanded and with the massive circular tower.
Recaptured by the Pope troops in 1509, apart from the brief Napoleonic remained under the control of the Church until 1860, when the annexation to Kingdom of Italy.

Maria Pedrini, celebre soprano di Brisighella Italy, a famous soprano

Maria Pedrini nacque a Brisighella Italy, nel 1910 ma presto, per motivi di lavoro dei genitori ,si traferi' a Roma. Qui le suore presso cui studiava si accorsero del suo talento musicale e della sua straordinaria voce e la spinsero al canto, anche se i genitori erano contrari, avevano in mente altre cose per lei. C'era gia' stata in famiglia una cantante, si trattava della zia materna, Adelina Patti, un grande soprano dalla vita disordinata. I genitori pero' dovettero convincersi e accettarono di iscriverla al conservatorio di Santa Cecilia a Roma. Preso il diploma nel 1931 comincio' cosi' la sua grandissima carriera musicale che la vide protagonsta di oltre duecento rappresentazioni. Venne considerata l'erede di Claudia Muzio e la successione avvenne nel 1936 quando la sostitui' nella parte di Cecilia di Licinio Refice al Teatro Verdi di Trieste.
Finita la guerra fu la protagonista della storica riapertura del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma con il Nabucco di Verdi. Interpreto' nell sua carriera anche la Turandot, la Cavalleria Rusticana, il Don Carlos, I vespri siciliani, La Gioconda, La Norma, il Guglielmo Tell.
Si ritiro' dalle scene nel 1957 con l'Aida a Roma dove mori' nel 1981. Brisighella ha dedicato il suo teatro a Maria Pedrini.

Maria Pedrini was born in Brisighella Italy in 1910 but soon changed home going to live to Rome. Here, the sisters where he studied , noticed her extraordinary voice , they decided to "push" Maria for the singing, even if the parents were against it. There was already in the family a singer, was the maternal aunt, Adelina Patti, a large disorderly life soprano. Later her parents accept to register her at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. Took his "diploma" in 1931 her great musical career started. She was the protagonist of over two hundred performances.
She was also considered the heir of Claudia Muzio and 1936 was the year that she substituted
Claudia in the part of Cecilia Licinio Refice at the "Teatro Verdi" in Trieste.
Once the war was finished she was the protagonist of the historic reopening of the "Teatro dell'Opera di Roma" for the Giuseppe Verdi's Nabucco. Maria Verdi performed in his career opera such as: Turandot, the Cavalleria Rusticana, Don Carlos, The Sicilian Vespers, La Gioconda, La Norma, the Guglielmo Tell.
She Retired from the scene in 1957 with Aida in Rome where he died' in 1981. Brisighella Italy has dedicated his main theater to Maria Pedrini.

Brisighella Italy, "Via degli asini" unica al mondo - "donkeys street" unique in the world

La via centrale di Brisighella Italy si chiama Via del Borgo o Via degli Asini ed è una strada molto particolare. Unico esempio probabilmente al mondo di via sopraelevata coperta. E' composta da archi a forma di mezzaluna di differente ampiezza. Di giorno la luce è assicurata dal sole, penetra magnificamente attraverso queste particolari finestre, mentre ad illuminare la notte ci pensano suggestive e calde luci crepuscolari.
Era nata nel dodicesimo secolo insieme a Brisighella, quando serviva come baluardo di difesa contro gli attacchi delle altre città. Qui si posizionavano gli arcieri ed i soldati che avevano il vantaggio di combattere da un'ottima posizione. Successivamente, ed è qui che prese il nome di "via degli asini", fu utilizzata dai carrettieri che abitavano nei vicini locali per trasportare il gesso a dorso di asino dalle cave poste nella valle adiacente. Oggi arrivando a Brisighella è facile individuare la "via degli asini". Non perdete l'occasione di visitarla a piedi, spingendovi poi su per i gradini fino alla rocca.

The Central Way of Brisighella Italy is called "Via del Borgo" or "Via degli Asini - donkeys street" and it's a very special way. Probably the only example in the world of elevated street deck. It consists of halfmoon shape arches of different width. During the day light is provided from the sun that penetrates through these beautiful and particular windows, while the task to illuminate the night is in charge of suggestive twilight hot lights.
"Via degli asini" was builded in the twelfth century with Brisighella Italy, when it served as a bulwark defense against attacks of other cities. Here archers and soldiers were placed with the advantage of fighting from a great position. Subsequently, and it is here that took the name of "Way of the donkeys or donkeys street", was used by carters who lived in the nearby for the local transportation of plaster on the donkey back from the quarries situated in the adjacent valley. Today if you arrive to Brisighella Italy it is easy to identify the "way of donkeys". Don't miss the chance to visit it by foot and then go to the stairs up to the fortress.

Come arrivare a Brisighella senza auto - how to reach Brisighella Italy without car

Brisighella è situata in una posizione strategica, vicino a tre aeroporti, Forlì (FRL), Rimini (RMI) e il piu'famoso, quello di Bologna (BLQ). Forli 'e Rimini sono dedicati soprattutto a voli low cost con destinazioni come Catania, Mosca, Francoforte, Roma,dove operano ad esempio Ryanair e TUIfly mentre Bologna è un aeroporto intercontinentale collegato con le principali città europee.
Se siete arrivati a Bologna dovete ora proseguire per la stazione centrale, c'e' un autobus fuori che parte ogni 30 minuti, altrimenti prendete un taxi, circa 20 minuti per raggiungere la stazione, dipende del traffico.
Per arrivare a Brisighella Italy a questo punto ci sono diversi treni, trovate quello che va a Faenza e una volta arrivati cambiate per Brisighella, è una sola fermata. Potete verificare i collegamenti sul sito di trenitalia. C'e' anche un autobus che da Faenza arriva a Brisighella. L' aeroporto di Forli' è quello più vicino a Brisighella, ma ci sono pochi voli, comunque, una volta arrivati prendete l'autobus che vi porta alla stazione, e poi scegliete quello che va a Faenza, una volta li' cambiate perBrisighella. Lo stesso è possibile farlo dall' aeroporto di Rimini Federico Fellini (bus + treno per Faenza e poi Brisighella).
C'è un'altra scelta, si può arrivare all'a eroporto di Firenze (FLR), quindi prendere un autobus per Santa MariaNovella (15 minuti) e poi cercate il treno per Faenza che si ferma anche a Brisighella, costa cinque euro circa e ci mette un'ora e mezzo (100 km).

Brisighella Italy is situated in a strategy place, near three airports, Forli (FRL), Rimini (RMI) and most famous Bologna (BLQ). Forli' and Rimini are, above all, dedicated to low cost flights with destinations such as Catania, Moscow, Frankfurt, Rome,flight companies that fly there are, for example, Ryanair and Tuifly while Bologna is an intercontinental airport with main european cities connections. If you arrived to Bologna airport you have to go then to Bologna central station. There is a bus outside airport every 30 minutes otherwise catch a taxi, about 20 minutes to reach the station, it depends on traffic.To arrive to Brisighella Italy now there are several trains, check that one that goes to Faenza and once you are arrived there change for Brisighella, it's only one stop.
You can check the connections on italian train railway site. It exists also a bus from Faenza station to Brisighella.Forli' airport is the closest to Brisighella Italy but there are few flights everyday , anyway, once you are arrived to the airportcathc the bus outside and go to the station, pick up the train to Faenza and then change connection again for Brisighella. You can the same from Rimini Federico Fellini airport (bus + train to Faenza and Brisighella), here you can find also a flight to Rome.
There's another choice, you can arrive to Florence airport (FLR), then outside catch a bus for Santa MariaNovella station (15 minutes) and then you can find a train to Brisighella for about five euro, it takes one hour and half (100 km).